How much does it cost to buy a pizza trailer?
The cost of buying a pizza trailer includes the cost of the trailer, the cost of cooking equipment, insurance, and business licenses.
Pizza trailer price. The price of the pizza trailer built by ETO DEVICE ranges from 4000USD to 15000USD. A small pizza making trailer, 4000USD is enough. But for a large mobile pizza food trailer, the price may fluctuate a lot, because its layout is different and the amount of raw materials used is different.
Pizza trailer insurance. According to the laws of different states, you need to purchase insurance for your trailer at a cost of about 500 USD.
Cooking equipment. The cost of cooking equipment is estimated to be between 1500USD and 3000USD. Including pizza oven, automatic dough mixer, refrigerator, etc.
Permits and business licenses. According to the laws of different states, the cost of permits and business licenses is about 500 USD.
So the cost of a pizza trailer is between 5500USD and 19,000USD. In addition, you have to consider the reserves for pizza trailer operations.
Do you already have a pizza trailer idea? Contact us now!