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Where to Park the Food Trailer and Sell Your Food: Top 4 Locations for You

where to park the food trailer

Location is one of the factors in the success of your mobile catering business, along with the marketing and food quality. When it comes to it, a place with lots of foot traffic will flit across most people’s minds. But, a perfect location is not always about crowded malls, busy business streets and bustling neighborhoods. In fact, it has something to do with the types of your food truck businesses. In other words, you need to find a proper area where your food and drinks are acceptable and attractive to the eaters there.

But, how can you know which is the best location for your mobile trailer to park? Yeah, you can go through different blocks and neighborhoods haphazardly to give it a shot. With any luck, you will find a perfect one soon. But, if it is your first time starting a mobile food trailer business and you are not so familiar with the diet, it will be an arduous task for you. Hence, the location should be one thing you should reckon with when you draw your mobile food trailer business plan.

I know, you have no clue right now. Here are some ideal options for you to park a food truck trailer and run a mobile catering business. You can choose one according to your different businesses.


Where to Park the Food Trailer Properly?

There are 4 best places for you to start a food trailer business.

Gym Parking Lots

Tiredness and huger increase after working out. How about bringing your burger trailer there and letting the smell of meat and fries permeate the air? In fact, that is not a good idea. Fast food, like cheeseburgers, french fries and pizza, can not bring you any regular customers in the gym parking lot because of people’s ideas about diet and nutrition. A mobile juice trailer is a good choice. In addition to fresh fruit juice and smoothies, food containing abundant protein can be listed on your menu. In short, healthy organic cuisine tends to appeal to more consumers in the vicinity of gyms.


Where are the areas with increasing foot traffic during this hot summer? Beaches! Yes, a crowded beach is another business opportunity. It is time to buy an ice cream trailer and start your mobile catering business! There is something you should know before you google any types of ice-cream trailers.

  • A fully equipped food trailer saves you lots of time. You need to make sure that the food trailer has the necessary auxiliary equipment, including water sinks, energy-efficient freezers, and a 302 stainless steel working bench.
  • Find an air-conditioned ice cream food trailer. With air conditioning, a pleasant working environment is ensured for you and your worker. Accordingly, you can treat your customer with the best service and hospitality.
  • Be clear of your needs. Considering the types of food trailers, there are many options for you. You can choose on the basis of factors, namely your budget and preference for the model and design.


Affordable mobile food trailer for salePeople rush everywhere in the crazy carnival. Why not join it with your street food trailer? If you have a plan to run your mobile catering business during carnival nights, a mobile fast food trailer should be on your shopping list, such as Mexico taco trailers, pizza trailers and mobile burger trailers. In addition, there are two factors influencing the number of your eaters, namely speed and freshness.

  • Speed: People in the carnival are unlikely to wait for a long time for a bite of the food. Hence, the procedure of cooking should be fast. It is necessary for you to prepare food before you start out.
  • Freshness: Since you choose to prepare food in advance, your food truck trailer should be equipped with warming and holding equipment, which is important to provide fresh and safe dishes for your customers.

Business Districts

What is the next place to park your food trailer? It is the business district! Every morning, streams of office workers pour out of the subway. You can park your coffee concession trailer aside and refresh the workers with the strong smell of coffee beans. Don’t forget to prepare sufficient water for your mobile food trailer! There are 2 choices for you.

  • Ask the coffee trailer manufacturers to custom large stainless steel sink tanks for you.
  • Poll over your coffee trailer near the area where you have stable access to clean water.

For an entrepreneur, it is vital to figure out where to park the food trailer, because his profits mainly depend on the locution. But, not every bustling place is good for starting street food trailer ideas. It is important for you to have a plan first and then do some research. You should be clear about whom your dishes are targeted for and where your potential eaters are. It is your customers who need to be catered to, after all.


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