Home » Food carts » Cute Bicycle Ice Cream Cart for Sale

Cute Bicycle Ice Cream Cart for Sale

Only those who sell ice cream know the high profit of their business in summer. According to the research, the profit margin of ice cream reaches over 30%, or higher for established brands. Compared to other businesses, it is much easier and cheaper to start selling ice cream. Your business can be run from a bicycle ice cream cart, a portable ice cream cart based on a food bicycle cart model. This pink bicycle ice cream cart for sale is a perfect fit for street vendors selling ice cream. It is based on a food trike so it is easier to transport the cart over long distances. Just pedal!
The bicycle ice cream cart comes equipped with a large-capacity ice cream freezer for all kinds of ice cream. It should be consistently parked in a location where an electrical outlet is available to power the freezer. The transparent glass doors give the best view of your products, stimulating customers’ appetite for a taste of colorful ice cream in the hot summer. The counter is food-grade stainless steel that gives a large food-contact surface for food preparation and storage.
The color scheme and the ice cream cart design is customizable. Our design team will give you a perfect design solution that meets your business needs. Now, let us help you start a successful mobile ice cream business!


The summer season is an ideal time to start a profitable business. One of the most popular and profitable businesses this summer is a mobile ice cream business. Whether it’s a bicycle ice cream cart or an electric cart, this type of business can be extremely lucrative when done right. Not only is it easy to set up, but it also requires minimal investment. Plus, you can reach more customers with a mobile ice cream business than with a stationary one. If you’re looking for an easy way to make money this summer, becoming an ice cream vendor might be the perfect option for you! Browse our gallery to learn more about our inspiring ice cream cart design, or contact our design team now to get a custom bicycle ice cream cart for your business. At ETO, you can have a quality food cart at the best price!


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